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How I Rate Books

Hi everyone! This page is meant to explain my rating system since I don't use standard 5-star ratings.

Here are the types of ratings a book can receive:


  • NEW FAVORITE is exactly what it sounds like. I absolutely fell in love with the entire book/series. I loved it so much that it makes the very not-at-all prestigious list of favorite standalones or favorite series on the left side of the blog. Examples include Radio Silence.

    UNDERHYPED FAVORITE goes to the books that I think deserve more recognition in the book community. This goes to books such as Defy the Stars and The Library of Lost Things.

    DESERVES ALL THE HYPE goes to the books that I've read because of the bookish community's constant praise (hello, Six of Crows), and that I agreed deserves it. So many of the books I read are ones that the bookish community recommends (since I will be forever playing catch up), so there's lots of potential to make this list.

    GIVE ME ALL THE MERCH goes to books that I immediately became swept up into and headed to Etsy to search for the merch. I need merch to immortalize these series. The two listed above also include this. 

    POSSIBLE REREAD is what I use for books that I thought were okay. There's potential in me picking these up again at some point. I don't do star ratings, but this is probably thing I have to 3 stars.

    PROBABLY WON'T REREAD is for books that once again, I thought were okay, but I'll probably never pick up again. We had our time together, it was nice, but it's time to move on to bigger and better things.

    WHAT'S THE HYPE? This is reserved for the hyped books that I just couldn't get behind. This can also be for certain OTPS (Darkling/Alina) that I don't support at all. Once again, I have a lot of hyped books to read, so there's lots of potential to make this list too.

    DUMPSTER TRASH FIRE belongs to books that I absolutely hate. Not many books make it to this list so it's an incredibly exclusive club. As of right now, the only books/series that have made it here are the Twilight Saga and Romeo and Juliet. If you like any books that end up on this list, it's not an attack against you or your choices. I don't understand why you love them, but I respect that they mean something to you.

    So here are all of my ratings and what they mean to me! Could I have used a star rating? Probably, but to be honest, I'd be constantly rating books 5 stars or 4 stars, and I feel that this works better for my personality.

    Have a great day!



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